Friday, January 11, 2008


Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) belonged to "'Adi" family of Quraish tribe. In the 8th generation, his lineage joins with the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). Abu Hafs was his patronymic name and "al-Faruq" his title given by the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). He was born in 583 A.C., about forty years before the great Hijrah. The early life of Hadrat Umar is not known in detail. In his youth he was a famous wrestler and orator, and a spirited person. He was one among the few people in Mecca who knew reading and writing before Islam. His main occupation was business.
When the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) got revelation and invited people to Islam, Umar became the sworn enemy of Islam and the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) and did not hesitate to harm the Muslims and Islam at every opportunity.
Umar's acceptance of Islam
It was the sixth year of Holy Prophet's mission when Quraish leaders called a meeting and asked a volunteer for the assassination of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) Umar offered himself for this job and everybody in the meeting exclaimed that he was the right person for it. While he was on his way with a sword in his hand he met Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas who enquired of him about his destination. Umar told him that he was going to murder the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). After some discussion Sa'd said, "You had better take care of your own family first. Your sister and brother-in-law both have accepted Islam". Hearing this Umar changed his direction and went straight to his sister's house. When Hadrat Umar knocked at the door, they were studying the Holy Qur'an from Hadrat Khabbab (Radi Allah Anhu). His sister Fatimah was frightened on hearing Umar’s voice and tried to hide the portion of the Holy Qur'an she was reciting. When Umar entered the house he enquired about their Islam and on finding that they had accepted Islam, he first fell upon his brother-in-law and beat him severely. When his sister intervened he smote her so violently on her face that it bled profusely. On this his sister burst out: "Do whatever you like, we are determined to die as Muslims". When Umar saw his sister bleeding, he cooled down and felt ashamed. He loved Fatimah very much but could not tolerate her conversion to Islam. However, deeply moved, Umar asked her to show the pages on which the Holy Qur'an was written. But she was, after all, Umar’s sister and told him straight, "You can not touch it unless you take a bath and make yourself clean" He washed his body and then read the leaves. That was the beginning of Surah Ta Ha (Chapter 20 of the Holy Qur'an). When he came to the verse:
"Lo! I even I, am Allah, there is no god save Me. So serve Me and establish Salat for My remembrance". (20:14)
Umar exclaimed, "Surely this is the Word of Allah. Take me to Muhammad (Sallallahu ’alaihi wa Sallam)".
On hearing this Hadrat Khabbab (Radi Allah Anhu), who had hidden himself in the house, came out from inside and said, "0 "Umar! Glad tidings for you. It seems that the prayer of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) which he said last night has been answered in your favour. He had prayer to Allah: "O Allah, strengthen Islam with either Umar b. Khattab or Umar b. Hisham whomsoever Thou pleaseth".
Umar then went to the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ’alaihi wa Sallam). On seeing him, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) asked him, "Umar! what brings you here”? He said, "I am here to accept Islam". Hearing this the Muslims shouted with joy, "Allahu Akbar"(Allah is the Greatest) and the sound rent the air of Mecca. As a matter of fact, Umar’s conversion to Islam was a terrible blow to the morale of the disbelieves. 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud, a great Companion, says, "Umar's conversion to Islam was a great triumph, his emigration to Medina a tremendous reinforcement and his accession to Caliphate a great blessing for the Muslims". In some history books there are more details in this connection. I have followed the version of Shaikh Muhammad Zakariya (Damat Barakatuhu) given in his book " Hikayat-i-Sahabah".
Umar gets the title of "Al-Faruq"
Conversion of Hadrat Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) strengthened Islam. Hitherto, Muslims had lived in constant fear of disbelievers, and most of them were concealing their faith. The Muslims were now able to offer their Salat publicly. When Hadrat Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) became a Muslim he declared his faith openly before the Quraish Chiefs. Though they stared at him but could not do any harm to him. Then he requested the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) to offer Salat in the Ka'bah. On getting the consent of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam), Hadrat Umar led a party of the Muslims to that place. Hadrat Hamzah, who had accepted Islam a few days before Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) carried another party of the Muslims to Ka'bah. When all the Muslims gathered in the Ka'bah they offered their Salat in congregation. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) led this first public Salat in the history of Islam. For this courageous and bold action of Hadrat Umar (R.A) the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) gave him the title of "al-Faruq" i.e., the one who makes a distinction between the "Right" (Haqq) and the "Wrong" (Batil).
Hadrat Umar the Second Caliph of Islam
As described in connection with the life of Hadrat Abu-Bakr, during his illness he consulted the "Shura" about the next "Khalifah" and then gave his decision in favour of Hadrat Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) who took the charge of Caliphate after the death of Hadrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) on 22nd of Jamadi-uth-Thani 13 A.H. (23rd Aug. 634 A.C.).Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) followed fully the ways of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) and the policy of his predecessor with his characteristic zeal and vigour. It was his strict adherence to the "Sunnah" of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) which helped him to subdue the mighty empires of Persia and Byzantine. His caliphate marked the "Golden Age" of Islam. I would like to discuss only main events which took place during the Caliphate of Hadrat Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) in brief.
Umar's Mosque at Jerusalem
Hadrat Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) laid the foundation of a mosque at a place known as "Sakhra" proposed by the Bishop, where Allah sent revelation to Prophet Yaqub (Jacob or Israel, 'Alaihis-Salam) and where the great temple of Solomon was built. He himself worked like a labourer for building the mosque. That mosque is known as the "Umar's Mosque"
Martyrdom of Hadrat Umar
The glorious rule of Hadrat Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) came to an end with his death on Wednesday the 27th of Dhil Hijjah, the year 23 A.H. (643 A.C.) when he was 61 years old. There was a Persian slave of Hadrat Mughirah bin Shu'bah, named Abu Lu' Lu' Firoze. One day he complained about the burden his master had imposed upon him. The complaint was not genuine, hence Hadrat Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) ignored it. Next day, early in the morning when Hadrat Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) went to Masjid to perform Fajr Salat, the slave who was hiding in a corner, attacked him with a dagger and stabbed him six times. People overpowered the assassin but he slew himself with the same dagger.
The injuries were so serious that the Caliph died the next morning.
Before his death the Muslims asked him about his successor, he appointed a panel of six persons, Hadrat 'Uthma Zubair, Talha, Sa'd bin Waqqas and 'Abdur Rahman bin 'Auf (Radi Allah Anhu) to select a "Khalifah" from amongst them within three days after him.
He requested Hadrat Aisha (Radi Allah Anhu) for permission for his burial by the side of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). Though she had reserved that place for herself but on Umar's request she gave it to him where he was buried.
Overview of Hadrat Umar's service to Islam
The period of Hadrat Umar's caliphate undoubtedly is the "Golden Age" of Islam in every respect. He was a man of extraordinary genius who not only moulded the destiny of the nation but made history of his own. He followed the footsteps of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) to the fullest extent. It was Umar under whose rule Islam became a world power and the mighty empires of Persia and Byzantine (Eastern Roman) crumbled before the arm of Islam. Within ten years of his glorious rule, the whole of the Persian Empire, Syria, Palestine, Egypt and a part of Turkey came under the banner of Islam and the nations entered the fold of Islam. He was not only a conqueror but also an exemplary administrator who originated an efficient system of administration, and thus he was the real founder of political system of Islam (to be discussed in brief in the next chapter). He enforced Divine Law (Shari'ah) as the code of a newly formed International Islamic State; he safeguarded the internal safety by introducing the police force: he gave stipends to the poor; he constructed cantonments and forts for the safety of Islamic armies; he founded new cities for the growth of Islamic culture and civilisation; he improved agriculture and economics of the Islamic State; he founded the educational system in an Islamic State; in brief he was the founder of a great Islamic State. We would discuss his achievements more elaborately in the next section.
He was a very pious Muslim. His success lay in two things-fear of Allah and his love for the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). He never used even oil from the Bait-ul-Mal (Public Treasury) to burn a lamp at night for his personal needs. Whenever he finished the official work he put off the lamp. He used to patrol in the city at night to find out the needs and requirements, and conditions of the people. He did not hesitate to take his wife to work as a midwife for a poor woman. The salary he got from the Bait-ul-Mal was so low that it was hardly enough for him and his family's needs. When some of the eminent Muslims requested him to increase the amount he, said, "The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) has left a standard by his personal example. I must follow him".
Hadrat Umar was the most just ruler in the Islamic History. All the citizens, including the Caliph himself, were equal before law. Once he appeared before a court at Medina to clarify his position against a complaint. The Qadi (Judge) wanted to stand in his honour, but he did not allow him to do so, so that there would be no distinction between him and an ordinary person before Law. He was really the founder of modern democratic system.
In short he was the best example of an ideal character, and was the greatest "Khalifah" of Islam after Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu). He selflessly devoted his whole energy for the cause of Islam. Muslims will always be indebted to him for his great achievements. As a matter of fact a separate book is required to describe his character and his services to Islam.
His dress, meals and general behaviour were similar to those of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). There were usually a number of patches on his dress. He always took very ordinary meals. Once Yazid bin Abi Sufyan invited him to a feast and when special dishes were brought before him, he stopped eating and said, "I swear Allah, in Whose hand is the life of Umar, if you would not follow the ways of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam), Allah would cause you to be away from the "Siratul-Mustaqim"(the Straight Path)". He did not leave his characteristic simplicity even though he was ruling over a vast empire from Iran to Tripoli. He used to sit on a mat made of grass leaves.
Hadrat Umar feared Allah and was wholly devoted to Him. It was his usual practice to cry and weep during Salat. Sometimes he passed whole of the night performing Salat and crying before Allah; and because of tears his beard used to get wet. It was his usual practice to weep during the Fajr Salat. On hearing or reading the verses of the Holy Qur'an containing description of the Day of Judgement and the Hell he used to weep so much so that his whole beard would get wet. Once he was leading Fajr Salat when he recited a verse from Surah Yusuf: "I expose my distress and anguish only to Allah"(ll : 16), he started to weep and his voice was heard in the back row of the congregation. Because of excessive weeping due to fear of Allah, his eyes were swollen.
He was fearful of the account to be taken on the Day of Judgement. Once he took hold of a straw and said, "I wish I was a straw (to be saved from the account on the Day of Judgement)."
Hadrat Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) sacrificed almost all of his wealth for the sake of Allah and for His Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam). Once he said, "I love the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) more than anything besides my life". Hearing this the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) remarked, "Nobody is (a true) Muslim unless he loves me more than everything of the world including his own life". On this Hadrat Umar (Radi Allah Anhu)said, "Now I love you, 0 Prophet of Allah, more than my life."
His belief in the Unity of God was unshakable. Once he went to Hajj during his "Khilafat” and while kissing the Black Stone (an act included in the rites of Hajj) he remarked, "I know that you are a stone. Neither can you harm anybody nor can do good to anybody. If I had not seen the Prophet of Allah kiss you I would have never kissed ". He was a strict follower of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam).
Preaching of Islam
As the viceroy of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) his foremost duty was to spread and preach Islam. As mentioned above, the aim of various battles and wars was to clear the way for the Muslims for preaching Islam. Whenever any army had to attack a place it had to call the inhabitants of the place to Islam. Hadrat Umar was very strict in this respect and he had given standing orders to the commanders not to start war unless they had first invited the people to Islam. If they accepted it, there was no question of war and if they did not, then the war was fought only with those who were not giving a free hand to Muslims to preach the Right Path. No Person was ever forced to forsake his own faith and accept Islam.
The method adopted to preach Islam was demonstration by actual practice. For this purpose he ordered Muslims to establish their own quarters and present the practical shape of Islam before the population. Seeing the truthful way, the inhabitants of the glace were attracted towards Islam. No soldier was allowed to take any property or anything by force from the conquered people.
Because of fair treatment by the Muslims sometimes the whole army of the enemy accepted Islam. After the battle of Qadisiya a battalion of four thousand Persians accepted it. After the victory of Jalula, the chiefs of the place entered the folds of Islam along with the inhabitants. A commander of the army of Yadzgird, named Siyah accepted Islam with his battalion during a battle in Persia. All the inhabitants of the town of Bulhat in Egypt accepted Islam at one time without the use of any force only by seeing the piety of Muslims. A rich merchant and the chief of a place in Egypt, named Shata, accepted Islam with all the inhabitants of the place only after hearing about the character and piety of Muslims at the time when Muslims had not even reached that place. These are orally a few examples to show that Islam spread because of the character of Muslims at that time.
Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) was very strict in ensuring that no Muslims forced any non-Muslim to accept Islam. Through his advice, letters and addresses he made it clear to all the Muslims that they had to adhere to the ways of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) which was the only method to preach Islam.
Wives and Children
Hadrat Umar (Radi Allah Anhu), married the following women during his lifetime
1. Zainab (Radi Allah Anhu), she accepted Islam but died in Mecca. She was sister of 'Uthman bin Maz'un. 'Abdullah Abdur Rahman (Ist) and lady Hafsah (wife of the Holy Prophet) were the children she bore to Hadrat Umar.
2. Malkiah bint Jarwal, she did not accept Islam and was divorced in 6 A.H. according to Islamic law. She gave birth to'Ubaidullah.
3. Quraibah bint Abi Ummiyah, she also did not accept Islam and was divorced in 6 A.H.
The above three marriages had taken place before Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) accepted Islam. After accepting Islam he contracted marriages with the following4. Ummi Hakim bint-ul-Harith, she gave birth to a girl named Fatimah.5. Jamilah bint Asim, she gave birth to a son who was named Asim. Though she was a Muslim she was di-vorced because of some other reason.6. Umm Kulthum bint Hadrat'Ali (Radi Allah Anhu), she was married in the year 17 A.H. She gave birth to Ruqayyah and Zaid.7. 'Atikah (Radi Allah Anhu)
1. Umm-ul-Mu'minin Hadrat Hafsah (Radi Allah Anhu) the chaste wife of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) .2. Ruqayyah, she was the youngest daughter of Hadrat Umar.3. 'Abdullah........son4. 'Ubaidullah...........son5. 'Asim...........son6. Abu Shahmah.......son7. 'Abd-ur-Rahman.......son8. Zaid........son
Umar's Period was the GOLDEN AGE of ISLAMIC History
Thus we see that Hadrat Umar’s period was the Golden Age of the Islamic history when Islam was practised in its true form. Hadrat Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) Initiated 41 good practices during his period, which were based upon the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam). These are known as "Awliat-i-Umar (the Initiations Of Umar). The details can be seen in the books of Islamic History like Tabari, Ibn-i-Athir, and Tarikh-i-Khulafa etc. Most of these initiations have been mentioned in the preceding pages in brief. Actually Hadrat Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) was the founder of ISLAMIC DEMOCRACY based upon the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). The words of the Holy Prophet are very true:


Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) was born some thirty years after the birth of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaiha wa Salam). He belonged the most respectable family of Quraish, the Banu Hashim (i.e. Hashmites). His father Abu Talib was the real uncle of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi we Salaam) who brought him up after the death of the Holy Prophet's grandfather. Ali’s mother was Fatimah bint Asad, who belonged to Banu Hashim. Hadrat Ali’s patronymic name was "Abul Hasan". The Holy Prophet gave him another name, "Abu Turab" which was most liked by Hadrat Ali. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Salaam) took Ali in his childhood from his father, Abu Talib, and brought up him like his own son.
First youth to accept Islam
When the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi we Salaam) started revelations Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) was about ten years old. The Holy Prophet disclosed his mission before Ali and he accepted it immediately, thus he became the first youth to enter the folds of Islam. When the Holy Prophet started to preach openly, he invited all of his family members to a feast and announced his mission before them. Nobody listened to him, but young Ali stood up and said. "Though my eyes are sore, my legs are thin and I am the youngest of all those present here yet I will stand by you, 0 Messenger of Allah." Hearing this all the leaders of Quraish laughed but Ali proved his words to be true after supporting the Holy Prophet in his mission from the beginning till the end.
The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi we Salaam) loved him very much. The night when the Holy Prophet was migrating to Medina, his house was surrounded by the bloodthirsty tribesmen, who had plotted to assassinate him. They were ready to kill any person who came out of the house. In such a situation, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi we Sallam) asked Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) to sleep in his bed. He followed the command gladly and immediately jumped in the bed.
Although the Meccans did not accept his mission, they considered the Holy Prophet the most trustworthy man of Mecca and continued keeping their trusts (cash and gold etc.) with him. It was Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) to whom the Holy Prophet gave the deposits to return to the owners, when he was leaving Mecca for Medina. Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) migrated to Medina after returning the deposits.
His Bravery and the "Dhulfiqar"
Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) was a very brave man. He participated in almost all the battles against the non-believers during the time of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi we Salaam). The stories of his bravery are famous in history.
In the first battle of Islam at Badr, he was holding the flag of Islamic army. When three famous warriors of Quraish challenged the Muslims, according to Arab tradition, Hadrat Ali (R. A. ) along with Hadrat Hamzah and Abu Ubaidah (Radi Allah Anhu) accepted the challenge. He killed his opponent, Walid only with one thrust of his sword and cut him in two pieces. Then he helped Hadrat Abu Ubaidah (Radi Allah Anhu) to kill the next Quraishi warrior.
In the battle of Uhud when Hadrat Mus'ab bin ‘Umair, the bearer of the Islamic standard, was martyred, it was Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) who held it up. Seeing this one of the non-believers, Abu Sa'd challenged him. Hadrat Ali attacked him and he fell down on the ground naked. Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) felt pity on him and left him in that condition.
In the battle of the Trench, all-Arabia fame warrior, 'Abdwood challenged the Muslims after jumping on his horse across the trench. Nobody dared to accept his challenge except Ali. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi we Salaam) warned Ali about 'Abdwood but Ali insisted on going and fighting with him. Then the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) gave him his famous sword "Dhulfiqar" and put a turban on his head before he went to fight with 'Abdwood. A few minutes later people saw 'Abdwood’s head was cut off from his body by Ali.
The title of Asadullah
Because of his bravely Hadrat Ali was popularly called "Asadullah"(The Lion of Allah).
In the battle of Khaibar against Jews, the Muslims tried to conquer the strongest Jewish fort, Qumus, but were not successful in the beginning. Then the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi we Salaam) said, "I will give the command and the standard tomorrow to such a brave person who loves Allah and His Prophet and whom Allah and His Prophet love. Everybody was desiring to be that fortunate man. The people were rather surprised when the next morning the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi we Salaam) called Ali who was sick and his eyes were sore. The Holy Prophet applied his finger, wet with his saliva, over the eyes of Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) and they were cured immediately. Then he gave the standard, and advised him. "First of all call them towards Islam. Even if one man is guided towards Islam because of you, it would be better than red camels."
Following the advice of the Holy Prophet Hadrat Ali invited the Jews towards Islam. Instead of accepting the Right Path they sent their commander Marhab, the great warrior of Arabia and one of the bravest men of his time. He challenged Hadrat Ali to fight. Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) accepted the challenge and slew him in one attack. His famous sword cut Marhab's body into two pieces.
He showed great bravery in each and every battle he fought and earned fame. He was counted as one of the great warriors of Arabia.
Ali the great scholar of Islam
Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) was not only a great warrior but a great scholar as well. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi we Salaam) said about him, I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate." He was one of the great jurists among the Companions. The Holy Prophet appointed him as the Qadi (Judge) of Yemen during his life time. He was a master of Arabic and his writings were as effective as his speech. More about his scholarly services to Islam would be mentioned at the end.
Special Messenger of the Holy Prophet
In 9 A.H., the first Hajj of Islam took place. Hadrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) was appointed as the leader of the Hajj group. After he left Medina revelation came to the Holy Prophet (Chapter IX. few verses in the beginning of the chapter) according to which the treaty with the non-believers had to be dissolved and they were given four month's notice. The announcement was to be made on the great day of Hajj. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi we Salaam) asked Hadrat Ali to carry the message of Allah on his behalf. He gave Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) his own she-camel, Qaswa on which Hadrat Ali rode and went to Mecca to read out the message before the crowd on the occasion of Hajj.
Excellence of Ali
There are so many virtues and services of Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) that it is difficult to mention them all in this short book. On many occasions the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) had prayed for him. When he sent Ali to Yemen in Ramadan 10 A.H. he blessed Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) with the following prayer: "0 Allah put truth on his tongue, and enlighten his heart with the light of guidance." Then he himself put turban on his head and gave the black standard.
On one occasion the Holy Prophet said to Ali, "You pertain to me and I pertain to you, " He also said, "When I am patron of anyone, Ali is his patron also." Once the Holy Prophet said, "Only a hypocrite does not love Ali and a believer does not hate him."
According to a Hadith transmitted by Imam Ahmad the Holy Prophet said to Ali, "You have a resemblance to Jesus whom the Jews hated so much that they slandered his mother and whom Christians loved so much that they placed him in a position not rightly his. Ali afterwards said, "Two (types of) people will perish on my account, one who loves me so excessively that he praises me for what I do not possess, and one who hates me so much that he will be impelled by his hatred to slander me."
Pledge of loyalty (Bai'at) to the former Khalifahs
Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) had taken pledge of loyalty on the hands of all the three past Khalifahs. However he was late in taking pledge at the hand of Hadrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu).
The reason why he was late in taking pledge on the hands of Hadrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) was the serious illness of his beloved wife, Hadrat Fatima (Radi Allah Anhu) and that he was busy in collection of the Holy Qur'an. It is mentioned in the famous history book, Tabaqat ibn Sa'd: When Hadrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) enquired of Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) why he was so late in taking pledge of loyalty and whether he disliked his "Khilafat", Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) replied, "I do not dislike your leadership but the fact is that I had taken an oath after the death of the Holy Prophet not to put on my sheet (i.e. not to engage in any work) except for performing Salat until I have collected all the parts of the Holy Qur'an." The Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) took pledge of loyalty on the hand of Abu Bakr and helped him throughout his Khilafat. He was very active during the time of Hadrat Umar and also married his daughter, Umm-i-Kulthum to him. In the matter of Hadrat Uthman's election he voted in his favour as has been mentioned before.
Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) was one of the very important members of "Shura" (Advisory Council) during the time of the first three Khalifahs. He was also the great jurist (Mufti) of Medina during the time of past Khalifahs. He was among the panel of six persons who had to select the Khalifah amongst themselves after Hadrat Umar (Radi Allah Anhu). Hadrat Uthman had great regard for him and consulted him in all the matters. His sons were the main guards at Uthman’s residence when the rebels laid siege to his house.
Thus we conclude that Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) gave his fullest possible support to all of his predecessors.
Hadrat Ali as the fourth Khalifah
The insurgents' shameful act of assassination of the Khalifah could never have been imagined by Hadrat Ali or any other eminent Companion at Medina. It came as a total surprise to Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) whose two sons, Hasan and Husain (Radi Allah Anhu) were guarding the gate of Uthman’s residence. The insurgents after climbing the back wall of the residence had assassinated the Khalifah. The assassination of Hadrat Uthman was really due to creation of faction among the Muslim Community which was the goal of ‘Abdullah Bin Saba and his followers (the insurgents), and they achieved it.
After the assassination of Hadrat Uthman, the insurgents virtually controlled the Capital, Medina for several days. The Muslims were frightened and sat behind closed doors. After the assassination of Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu) an unprecedented calamity had fallen on the Muslims and for three days, Medina was without any government.
Afterwards the insurgents approached Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) to be the Khalifah. Egyptians led by Ibn Saba and Ghafqi were the main group of insurgents behind the proposal for the Khilafat of Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) Hadrat Ali first declined to bear the responsibility of this great office. But the insurgents pressed him to accept it. As a matter of fact Hadrat Ali wanted to approach Hadrat Talha and Hadrat Zubair (Radi Allah Anhu) who were included in the panel of the six persons appointed by Hadrat Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) to select a Khalifah. He wanted to take pledge of loyalty (Bai'at) at the hands of any of these two gentlemen. But at the end, pressed by the threats of the regicides he decided to put the matter before Muslim public in the Mosque of the Holy Prophet(Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). Most of the Companions in Medina considered him, to be the fittest person for "Khilafat" after Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu). He then agreed to take the responsibility and gave his consent.
On 21st Dhul-Hijjah 35 A.H. pledge of loyalty took place at the hands of Hadrat Ali (R.A). First of all the leading insurgents took the pledge of loyalty on his hands, followed by the general public, at Medina. Hadrat Talha and Zubair (Radi Allah Anhu) did not want to take a pledge (Bai'at) until the case of Hadrat Uthman assassination was decided. Before that Hadrat Ali had offered the office of Khilafat to both of them but they had declined. However under the threats of insurgents they took the pledge of loyalty at Hadrat Ali’s hands, on the condition: "You (i.e.’ Ali) have to decide matters according to the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah (ways of the Holy Prophet) and would punish the guilty according to Islamic Law." Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) agreed to their conditions. Hadrat Sa'd bin Waqqas said that he would take pledge when all the Muslims had done so. Following Companions did not take pledge at the hands of Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu): Muhammad bin Muslimah, Usamah bin Zaid, Hassan bin Thabit. Ka'b bin Malik, Abu Sa'id Khudri, Nu'man bin Bashir, Zaid bin Thabit, Mughirah bin Shu'bah and 'Abdullah bin Salam. Most of the members of Banu Umayyah (Uthman's family) also did not take pledge of loyalty at Hadrat Ali’s hands. Some of such persons who did not take Bai'at went to Syria.
However the majority of the Muslims in Medina took pledge at the hands of Hadrat Ali. According to "Ahli Sunnah wal Jama'ah", Hadrat Ali was the most suitable and the fittest person for Khilafat after Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu). If some of the Companions did not take pledge on his hands, because of the political situation of that time, it did not mean that his Khilafat was not accepted by the Muslim majority. Besides Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) nobody including Hadrat Mu'awiyah (Radi Allah Anhu) claimed to be the Khalifah at that time. The difference between them was the question of punishment to the assassins, which took the shape of various battles. As it would be seen afterwards Hadrat Amir Mu'awiyah (Radi Allah Anhu) declared his Khilafat only after the death of Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu). Hadrat Ali was declared to be the Khalifah not only by the insurgents but by the Muslim public as well including the leading Ansar (Helpers) and Muhajirin (Emigrants). This could also be noticed with the fact that in the first battle which took place between Hadrat Ali and Hadrat 'Aisha (and her group) about 800 of those Companions who had participated in the Treaty of Hudaibiyah were with Hadrat Ali besides other Companions. As a matter of fact Hadrat Ali was the most popular figure at that time and was the most appropriate person to be the fourth caliph.
Assassination of Hadrat Ali
After the battle of Nahrwan the "Khwarij" had gone underground. As a matter of fact they were as much against .Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu)as they were against Hadrat Mu'awiyah (Radi Allah Anhu). They were still working against the Khilafat and they were greatly disgusted with the civil war that seemed endless.
To end this state of affairs, they worked out a dangerous plot. According to them Muslims were divided because of differences between Hadrat Ali and Amir Mu'awiyah. They also disliked 'Amr ibn 'As and considered him as chief planner for Amir Mu'awiyah. They decided, therefore, to assassinate all the three of them. It was planned that the three personalities would be struck at the same time on the same day.
Three persons, appointed to assassinate Ali, Mu'awiyah, and 'Amr ibn 'As (Radi Allah Anhu) were Abdur Rehman Muljam, Bark ibn 'Abdullah, and 'Amr ibn Bark respectively. Early hours of the 17th of Ramadan, 40 A.H., was fixed for the assassination.
After the Fajr Salat of the 17th Ramadan in :he year 40 A.H. (661 A.D.) the three appointed Kharljis struck the three men. Amir Mu'awiyah escaped with a scratch, Hadrat Amr ibn 'As did not turn out for the Imamat because he was sick that day, thus was unhurt, but Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) was mortally wounded with the poisoned sword of Ibn Muljam. He passed away in the evening of Ramadan 20, 40 A.H.
Ibn Muljam was caught by the people after he had struck Hadrat Ali. Hadrat Ali asked the Muslims to slay him if he died. At the same time of his death Hadrat Ali called his sons and advised them to serve Islam and to be good with the Muslims. When somebody asked him should the Muslims take pledge of loyalty at the hands of his elder son, Hadrat Hassan, he replied, "I leave this decision to the Muslims." He also advised people not to kill any person other than the assassin to avenge him.
He was sixty three years old at the time of his death and had ruled for four years and nine months as the Khalifah.
According to a number of historians his real grave is not known because his son Hadrat Hasan took out his body from the grave after he was buried because of the fear of Kharijis and buried him at an unknown place.
Character, Piety and Excellence
Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) was a model of simplicity and self denial. He led a simple life from the cradle to the grave, and was a true representative of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi we Salaam). Ali (Radi Allah Anhu)had neither a servant nor a maid when Fatima (Radi Allah Anhu) the most beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet was married to him. She would grind corn with her own hands. Purity of motives and selflessness were the keynote of his life. He was a wise counsellor, a true friend and a generous foe. He did not have a desire for the Khilafat after Hadrat Uthman's assassination, but when he was selected he tried his best to fulfil his responsibility.
He was very honest and trustworthy. His trustworthiness can well be imagined from the fact that the Holy Prophet entrusted to him all the cash and other things, he was having in his trust, at the time of his migration to Medina so that Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) would return them to the owners. Once some oranges came to Bait-ul Mal, Hadrat Hasan and Husain took one orange each. When Hadrat Ali saw them having the oranges he took the fruit away from them and distributed them among the poor. Whenever any booty came to be distributed according to the Islamic law, he distributed it very honestly. Once he distributed all the revenue of the Bait-ul Mal (Public Treasury), then broomed it and offered two rak'at Salat in the room.
He did not leave his simplicity even though he was the Khalifah and the ruler of a vast state. Once a person named 'Abdullah ibn Zarir had an opportunity to take meals with him. The meal was very simple. 'Abdullah asked, "0 Amirul Mu’minin, don't you like the meat of birds?" Hadrat Ali replied, "The Khalifah has a right in Muslim (Public) property only to the extent sufficient for him and his family."
Hadrat Ali was a very generous Muslim. He never refused a beggar. Sometimes he gave all of his property to the poor and sold his arms to get food. Once he said during his lecture, "I went to sell my sword. I swear Allah, had I only that amount of money for which I could buy a "Sirwal" (i.e. a trousers), I would never have sold my sword." Hearing this one person stood up and said, "I give you a loan." There are many stories about his generosity which for lack of space are not being mentioned.
Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) was a great worshipper and used to offer long Salats. He was Hafiz of the Holy Qur'an. He was so punctual for the "Tasbih" (the famous Tasbih-i-Fatima) i.e. remembrance of Allah that he never left it, even during battles.
He was very kind to others. He showed his kindness even to his enemies. Once one of his enemies fell down naked because of his attack. Seeing his condition he did not kill him and left him so that he might not be ashamed of his nakedness. After the battle of "Jamal" against lady Aisha, he treated lady 'Aisha (Radi Allah Anhu) very respectfully. He himself went to see her and when she told him that she would like to go to Medina he asked her brother Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr to escort her. He never mistreated his enemies. During the time of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi we Salaam) once he overcame a Jew in a fight, and sat on his chest to kill him. The Jew spat at his face. Hadrat Ali at once left him. Seeing this the Jew was very much surprised and asked the reason. Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) said, "I was killing you for Allah's sake but when you spat on my face, my sincerity was endangered because of the personal feelings." Hearing this the Jew immediately accepted Islam.
His character and morals were so high that even Amir Mu'awiyah praised them. Once Amir Mu'awiyah asked Dirar Asadi, one of his friends, to tell some of Ali’s high quality. Dirar Asadi refused first but when Amir Mu'awiyah insisted Dirar said, "He was a man of strong will power and determination. He always gave a just judgement, and was a fountain of knowledge. His speech was full of wisdom. He hated the pleasure of this world and loved the darkness of night to cry before Allah. His dress was most simple and he liked simple meals. He lived like a common man and when anybody put any question before him, he replied with outmost politeness. Whenever we asked him to wait for us he waited like a common man. Although he was very near to us because of his high morals, we were afraid of him sometimes of his grandeur- and eminence due to his nearness to AAllah. He always respected a pious man and a scholar. He was nearest to the poor. He never allowed a powerful man to take advantage of his power. The weak were never disappointed of his justice. I bear witness that in many battles he woke up during the night and took hold of his beard and started to cry and weep before Allah as though he was in a state of commotion and exclaimed: "0 world! do not try to betray me. I have divorced (left) you long ago. Do not have any desire for me. I hate you. Your age is short and your end is despised. 0! the provision is very little and the journey is too long (i.e., the journey to hereafter), and way is full of danger ....." Hearing this Hadrat Amir Mu'awiyah started to weep and cry and said, "May Allah bless Abul Hasan (i.e. Ali). I swear by Allah he was a person of the character, you described."
At this point it should be noted that the differences of the Companions were not like that of us. They differed with each other for the sake of Allah but always admired each other's good habits. Although Amir Mu'awiyah was having differences with Hadrat Ali, he admired the excellence of Ali throughout his life and often said that he could never be equal to Ali (Radi Allah Anhu). As a matter of fact the degree of their sincerity could not be imagined. We think every thing in terms of worldly benefit, they considered every matter in terms of love with Allah, love with the Prophet of Allah and the success in the hereafter.
Ali the gate of the city of Knowledge
The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi we Salaam) said: "I am the City of Knowledge and Ali is its gate." No doubt - Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) was a great scholar and jurist of Islam. He had memorised whole of the Holy Qur'an during the time of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi we Salaam) and knew its commentary including the order of descent and the time of revelation of various verses. It is given in Tabqat Ibn Sa'd that Hadrat Ali said, "I could tell for each and every verse of the Holy Qur'an why and when it was revealed." Hadrat Ali has been counted among the top most commentators of the Holy Qur'an. Nobody among the Companions with the exception of Abdullah ibn Abbas was so learned in the Holy Qur'an as Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu). His commentaries of various verses of the Holy Qur'an have been given in a number of books like "Ibn-i-Jarir," "Ibn Abi Hatim", "Ibn Kathir" etc. He had confined himself to his home for six months after the death of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi we Salaam) only to collect various parts of the Holy Qur'an. He was excellent in deducing law from the verses of the Holy Qur'an. When he argued with "Khawarili" on the question of Arbitration they could not stand before him. He was also very learned in the knowledge of “Nasikh” and "Mansukh" i.e. the knowledge of such verses of the Holy Qur'an outdating the laws given in Other verses.
Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) spent thirty years of his life with the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi we Salaam) and knew all the manners and practices of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi we Salaam). He stood next to Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu)as far as the knowledge of sayings, practices and orders of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi we Salaam) were concerned. During the period of the first three caliphs and also during his time he was the great Mufti (Jurist) of Islam. He performed this service for about thirty years after the death of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi we Salaam). In the narration of Hadith he was very cautious like three of his predecessors. For this reason only 586 Ahadith, narrated by Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) have been mentioned in the books of Hadith. He has also mentioned a number of sayings of various Companions as well. Hadrat Shah Wall Ullah of Delhi says: "Most of the Ahadith in connection with the appearance of the Holy Prophet, his method of offering Salat and praying to Allah etc. have been mentioned by Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) because of the fact that he was with him not only in his public but also in the private life. Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) was one of the few Companions who were having collections of Hadith recorded during the time of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi we Salaam).
Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) was not only a great scholar but a great Jurist as well. He was famous for giving correct verdicts of different problems very quickly which were based upon the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi we Salaam). Great Companions used to visit him for seeking solution of different problems of Islamic Law and Jurisprudence. Hadrat Umar remarked, Ali is the greatest jurist and judge among all of us". Hadrat 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said, Ali’s decision is the most authentic." Because of his vast knowledge of the Holy Qur'an and Hadith, he became the greatest jurist of his time, as Islamic Jurisprudence requires knowledge of the Holy Qur'an and Hadith to the fullest possible extent. On many occasions he corrected the decisions given by great Companions like Umar and Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu). Even though Amir Mu'awiyah was having differences with Ali, he sometimes referred some of the complicated problems of Islamic Law to Hadrat Ali(Radi Allah Anhu) and admitted his profundity in this field.
Hadrat Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) was a great orator as well. On many occasions mobs of people were changed because of his effective speeches. Arabic knowing persons can note the beauty of his speeches. He was a wonderful master of the Arabic language. His writings were as effective as his speech. He had also composed a few poems as well. He also framed rules of Arabic syntax and appointed Abul Aswad to compose a book on the basis of the rules he framed.
No doubt Hadrat Ali was one of the greatest sons of Islam, Very few Companions equalled him in his closeness to the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi we Salaam), which burrished qualities of head and heart. Muslims are forever indebted to him.
Wives and Children
(a) Hadrat Ali’s first wife was the most beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet, Hadrat Fatimah (Radi Allah Anhu). He got three sons (Hasan, Husain and Muhsin), and two daughters (Zainab and Umm-i-Kulthum) from her. The youngest son, Muhsin died in childhood.
After the death of Hadrat Fatimah he married a number of wives from time to time:(b) Umm al-Banin bin Hizam from whom he got 'Abbas, Ja'far, 'Abdullah and Uthman. All of these except Abbas were martyred at Karbala.(c) Saila bint Mas'ud who gave birth to 'Ubaidullah and Abu Bakr. They were martyred at Karbala. (d) Asma bint Umais who gave birth to Yahya and Muhammad Asghar.(e) Sahba bint Rabi'a who gave birth to Umar and Ruqayyah.(f) Amamah bint Abil 'As: She was daughter of Zainab (Radi Allah Anhu), daughter of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi we Salaam). Hadrat Ali got Muhammad Aswat from her.(g) Khaulah bint Jalfar who gave birth to Muhammad ibn(h) Umm-i-Sa'id who gave birth to Ummul Hasan and Ramlah Kubra.(i) Mahyah bint Ummul Qais, she gave birth to a daughter who died in childhood.
He also had a number of slave girls from whom he bore the following daughters:Umm-i-Hani, Maimunah, Zainab Sughra, Ramlah Sughra, Umm-i-Kulthum Sughra, Fatimah, Umamah, Khadijah, Umm-i-Salama, Umm-i-Ja'far, Jamanah and Nafisah, According to Ibn-i-Jarir, Hadrat Ali had 17 daughters and 14 sons. His family continued through five sons: Imam Hasan, Imam Husain, Muhammad ibn Ali, Umar bin Ali, and 'Abbas ibn Ali.
Preaching of Islam
To preach true way of life i.e. Islam, is one of the foremost duties of a Khalifah, He paid special attention to it during his caliphate. Although he was not able to conquer many regions during his caliphate because of the civil war, yet a number of people accepted Islam because of the good treatment meted out to them. In Iran many people accepted Islam due to his kindness with the public. Those who forsook Islam re-joined the Faith because of Ali’s teachings.
Thus we see that Hadrat Ali was a great administrator. He was one of the closest Companions of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi we Salaam) and possessed unparalleled courage, vigour and Faith.


Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu) belonged to a noble family of Quraish in Mecca. His ancestral pedigree joins with that of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam) in the fifth generation. He was from the "Umayyah" family of Quraish, which was a well reputed and honourable family of Mecca during the pre-Islamic days. In the famous battle of "Fajar" the Commander-in-Chief of the Quraish army, Harb bin Umayyah was from the same family. The descendants of this family are known as "Banu Umayyah" or "Umawwin".
Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu) was born in 573 A.C. His patronymic name was "Abu Amr" and father's name was "Affan bin Abul-As". He was known by the name "Uthman ibn ‘Affan". Hadrat Uthman was one of the few persons of Mecca who knew reading and writing. When he grew up, he started business in cloth which made him very rich. He used his money in good ways and always helped the poor. Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu) was a soft natured and kind hearted man. He did not hesitate to spend any amount of money on seeing a man in trouble in order to remove his misery. For his noble qualities the Meccans had great respect for him.
Acceptance of Islam
Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu) accepted Islam when Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) preached to him. He was one of those Muslims who accepted Islam in its very early days. Though "Banu Hashim" (the Holy Prophet's family) was rival to "Banu Umayyah" (Hadrat Uthman's family), and the latter was in power at that time, yet Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu) did not hesitate to acknowledge the prophethood of Hadrat Muhammad (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) which meant authority and supremacy over "Banu Hashim". This was one of the reasons why Quraish leaders, belonging to Banu Umayyah (like Abu Sufyan) were opposing the Holy Prophet(Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). Thus acceptance of Islam in such a position shows the clear-mindedness of Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu). When he accepted Islam, the Quraish who once loved Uthman became his enemies. Even his relatives like Hakam (one of his uncles) began to rebuke him and chastised him severely.
One of the daughters of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam), Hadrat Ruqayyah (Radi Allah Anhu) was married to one of the sons of Abu Lahb (an arch-enemy of Islam). When the Holy Prophet(Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) started to preach Islam, Abu Lahb asked his son ‘Utbah to divorce her. Then the Holy Prophet married her to Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu)
Uthman gets the title of "Dhun-nurain"
Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu) migrated second time with other Muslims to Medina. He could not participate in the first battle of Islam against non-believers of Mecca at Badr, because his wife was very ill. She died before the Muslims returned from Badr after the victory. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) gave him glad tidings that he would get the same reward as though he had participated in the battle. After the death of Hadrat Ruqayyah (Radi Allah Anhu), the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) married his next daughter, "Umm Kulthum" with him and he was given the title of "Dhun-nurain" i.e., the man with two lights.
Hadrat Uthman elected as the third Khalifah (Caliph)
Before his death, Hadrat ‘Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) appointed a panel of six men to select a "Khalifah" from amongst themselves and then sought his approval through Bai'at (Pledge of loyalty) by Muslim Public. He also instructed them to make the nomination within three days. The panel included Uthman,'Ali, Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas, Talha, Zubair and 'Abdur Rahman bin 'Auf (Ridwanullah-i-'Alaihim) as the members.
The panel could not arrive at any decision even after long meetings. Then, Hadrat 'Abdur Rahman bin 'Auf proposed somebody to withdraw his name in order to decide the matter. When he got no response, he withdrew his own name. The remaining members agreed that he could take a decision. He consulted each member individually except Hadrat Talha (Radi Allah Anhu) who was not present at Medina. It so happened that Hadrat Uthman proposed 'Ali's name and Hadrat 'Ali proposed Uthman's name for the post of Khalifah. But Zubair and Sa'd (Radi Allah Anhu) were more in favour of Hadrat Uthman than Hadrat ‘Ali. After more consultations with other companions and thinking over the problem during the third night, Hadrat ‘Abdur Rahman bin ‘Auf(Radi Allah Anhu) gave his decision in the morning of the fourth day in favour of Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu).
First of all Hadrat ‘Abdur Rahman bin ‘Auf(Radi Allah Anhu) took Bai'at at the hands of Hadrat Uthman and then all the Muslims present in the Mosque followed suit and took Bai'at (pledge of loyalty) at the hands of Hadrat Uthman(Radi Allah Anhu). In this way, Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu) was declared to be the third Khalifah. When Hadrat Talha (Radi Allah Anhu) returned to Medina, Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu) requested him either to accept the post of "Khalifah" (as he was among the persons proposed by Hadrat ‘Umar for the post) or to acknowledge him as Khalifah by taking Bai'at. Hadrat Talha declined to be the Khalifah and took pledge of loyalty at his hand, saying "How can I object to your being the Khalifah when all the Muslims have agreed upon you."
Martyrdom of Hadrat Uthman
The only weapon with Hadrat Uthman was his kindness and soft nature. He addressed several times the insurgents from the roof of his house and reminded them about his family relations with the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam), and the services he had rendered to Islam but they never listened to him.
The insurgents were afraid that the Hajj was coming to an end and after the Hajj a number of supporters of the "Khalifah" would come to Medina. They decided therefore to assassinate him without delay. As stated before, they did not want to fight with Hashmites like Hadrat Hasan, Husain and 'Abdullah bin Zubair who were standing guard at the main gate of Hadrat Uthman's big residence. The reason not to fight with Hashmites was that they had incited a number of people against Banu Umayyah (Hadrat Uthman’s family) in favour of Banu Hashim (Hashmites). So the insurgents climbed the back walls of the house and entered the room where Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu) was reciting the Holy Qur'an.
On seeing Hadrat Uthman, one of the insurgents hit his head with an axe while the next struck him with a sword. His wife, Nailah tried to shield her husband but she also got several wounds and her fingers were chopped off. Chronicles record that Muhammad bin Abu Bakr was the leader of the assassins. He got hold of Hadrat Uthman’s beard and pulled it. On this Hadrat Uthman remarked, "0 my dear nephew if your father (Abu Bakr) were alive you would not have done this." The remarks of Hadrat Uthman cut him to the quick and he turned back and did not take part in the assassination.
After giving severe injuries to Hadrat Uthman, one af insurgents, an Egyptian named 'Amr bin Hamq cut off Khalifah's head.
Hadrat Uthman (Radiallahu 'Anhu) was assassinated on Friday, the 17th Dhul-Hijjah, 35 A.H. (the 17th July, 656 A.D.).
Hadrat Uthman was a great martyr as prophesied in the following Hadith quoted by Bukhari and others
Hadrat Anas (Radi Allah Anhu) narrated that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam), Abu Bakr,'Umar, and Uthman went up Uhud (the mountain near Medina) and when it quivered because of them the Holy Prophet kicked it with his foot and said, "Keep steady, 0 Uhud, for there are a prophet, a Siddiq and two martyrs on you."
In the above Hadith, Hadrat Abu Bakr had been said as the Siddiq (friend) while 'Umar and Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu) had been prophesied as the martyrs.
The news of Hadrat Uthman's cruel assassination shocked everybody. Hadrat'Ali (Radi Allah Anhu) received the news when he was returning from Ahjar to see Hadrat Uthman. He was stunned on hearing the assassination of Hadrat Uthman and exclaimed, "0 Allah, You know it, I am free from any blame." He rebuked his sons Hasan and Husain (Radi Allah Anhu) and others who had stood guard at the gate for not being more alert.
After assassinating the Khalifah, the insurgents virtually took over charge of Medina. They also looted the "Baitul Mal". Medinites were afraid of them and did not come out of their houses. The corpse of the "Khalifah" could not be buried for two days. At last some Muslims in succeeded getting into the house and carried out the burial service. There were only 17 Muslims who participated in the 'Burial Prayers". Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu) was 82 years old at the time of his assassination and remained in the office of "Khilafas" for about 12 years. His words "I do not want to spill Muslim blood to save my own neck", will be remembered for ever in the history of Islam. He sacrificed his life to save Muslim blood.
The assassination of Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu) was unparalled in Islamic history and it had far reaching effects. Hadrat Hudhaifah (Rad.A) the secret keeper of Holy Prophet's prophecies remarked on hearing the assassination of Hadrat Uthman, "Ah, the assassination of Uthman has divided the Muslims till resurrection, they would never be united again." It proved to be true because just after the assassination civil war started and continued up to the tragedy of Karbala. At that time the Muslim community was divided into four groups
(i) Uthmanis: The Syrians and Basrites were in favour of capital punishment of the assassins. Syrians thought Hadrat Mu'awiyah the most suitable person to punish the assassins while the Basrites wanted the Khalifah from any of these two Talha or Zubair, as they were included in the panel appointed by Hadrat Umar to select the Khalifah.
(ii) Shi'an-i-'Ali: These people did not think Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu) fit for "Khilafat" and called themselves as the "Shi ‘an-i-'Ali" i.e., the friends of ‘Ali. Kufans and some Egyptians were in this group. According to Sunni historians, the assassins were from amongst this group.
(iii? Murhibah: These were those people who were busy in "Jihad" (Holy Wars) at the time when Hadrat Uthman was assassinated. They said: "Neither we are with Uthmanis nor with Shi'as. We want to keep aloof from their differences."
(iv) Ahl-i-Sunnah wal Jama'ah: These were the bulk of the Companions and the Muslims of various parts of the Islamic state including Mecca, Medina and other parts of Arabia. They said, "We love both Uthman and 'Ali and consider them as righteous and pious Companions. We do not curse any of the Companions and the righteous Muslims. If any of the Companions committed a mistake it was due to his "Ijtihad" (his disciplined verdict based upon the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet) and he would not be questioned for it. We follow the Sunnah (ways) of the Holy Prophet and the Sunnah (ways) of his righteous jama'ah (i.e. the group of ail the Companions).
The first and the third viz. Uthmanis and Murhibah proved to be temporary political groups but the other two viz. "Shi'as" and "Ahli Sunnah wal Jama'ah" or Sunnis took the shape of permanent theological groups and still exist.
Hearing the news of Hadrat Uthman's assassination Hadrat 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas (Radi Allah Anhu), a prominent commentator of the Holy Qur'an remarked "Allah might have stoned us as He stoned the people of Lot if majority of the Muslims supported the assassinations of Hadrat Uthman."
Thamamah bin 'Adi (Radi Allah Anhu) the governor of Yemen started to cry and weep hearing the news of the assassination of Hadrat Uthman. Hadrat 'Abdullah bin Salam (Radi Allah Anhu), well versed in the past scriptures, said: "By Allah, the power of the Arabs has finished now." Hadrat 'Aisha (Radi Allah Anhu), the most beloved wife of the Holy Prophet, said, "Ah, Uthman has been assassinated most cruelly. His record of deeds is shining like a well washed cloth."
Hearing the news of the assassination Hadrat Abu Hurairah and Hadrat Zaid bin Thabit (Radi Allah Anhu) started to weep continuously and their tears did not stop for a long time.
The shirt of Hadrat Uthman, which was spotted with his blood, and the cut fingers of his wife, Nailah, were carried to Hadrat Amir Mu'awiyah (Radi Allah Anhu), the Governor of Syria, in Damascus. When they were shown to the Muslim public the whole gathering started to cry and shouted, "Revenge", "Revenge".
Mr. Joseph Hell, a Western historian says: "The assassination of Uthman was a signal for civil war." Mr. Wellhausen, a German historian says, "The murder of Uthman was more epoch-making than, almost any other event of Islamic history." Philip Hitti has remarked: "With Uthman's death the political unity of Islam came to an end. Soon Islam's religious unity was divided. Islamic society entered upon a period punctuated with schism and civil strife that has not yet ended." A Muslim historian, Prof. K. Ali, writes, "Unity of Islam which was maintained by the first two "Khalifahs" was lost and serious dissensions arose among the Muslims.".The assassination of Hadrat Uthman was followed by great civil wars and battles between the Muslims, the details of which would come later. The system of centralised government initiated by Hadrat ‘Umar and developed by Hadrat Uthman was shattered and a number of internal movements started of which the Kharijite's movement was the most serious.
Official manuscript of the Holy Qur'an
One of the magnificent services to Islam done by Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu) was to safeguard any possible change in the codex of the Holy Qur'an. After the conquests by the Muslims hundreds of thousands of non-Arabs, whose mother tongue was not Arabic, accepted Islam because of its teachings. Hadrat Hudhaifah (Radi Allah Anhu), one of the prominent Companions of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam), went for "Jihad" (Holy War) during that time and noticed many differences in the manner of recitation (Qira't) of the Holy Qur'an. The Syrians recited in a way different from that of Kufis while the Kufis differed from Basris and so on. As a matter of fact these differences were due to the differences in the way of writing Arabic. Seeing this condition Hadrat Hudhaifah reported the matter to the Khalifah on his return from the "Jihad" and suggested that the Medinese codex should be regarded as authentic, i.e. the Holy Qur'an, which was written and compiled in Book form during the time of Hadrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) and was kept with Ummul-mumminin Hadrat Hafsah (Radi Allah Anhu). Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu) took that Book from Hadrat Hafsah(Radi Allah Anhu) and canonised the Medinese codex. He asked Hadrat Zaid bin Thabit (Radi Allah Anhu), the person who wrote it during the time of Hadrat Abu Bakr, to make copies of the same with the help of some other Companions like Abdullah bin Zubair and Sa'd bin 'As etc. Then he ordered all other copies, beside the Medinese codex, to be burnt and destroyed throughout the State. Those people who earned their living in the provinces as the receptacles and expositors of the sacred text were not pleased with this act. It has been discussed before that such persons criticised Uthman for burning unauthentic texts. However for this great service Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu) is famous as the "Jami'ul-Qur'an" (The compiler of the Qur'an).
Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu) spent a lot of his time in preaching to the prisoners of war. Many of them accepted Islam because of his efforts. He also taught Islamic law to the Muslims. Once he himself demonstrated the correct method of making wudu before a large gathering of Muslims.
He took special care to send missionaries to various places and appointed teachers to teach Islamic law, the Holy Qur'an and Hadith. Persons were appointed to make the rows (Saffs) of worshippers straight during a congregational Salat specially on Fridays when the congregation was quite large.
Character and Piety
Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu) was a very pious Companion and a man of high character. He was the most modest of all the Companions. Once the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam) was sitting with some of his Companions and the shin of this leg was not covered. In the meantime somebody informed him about the arrival of Hadrat Uthman (Radi Allah Anhu). The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'Alaihi wa Sallam) immediately covered it and remarked: "Even the angels have regard for the modesty of Uthman"
He was a strict follower of the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam). Somebody asked him the reason for smiling after wudu. He replied he had seen the Holy Prophet smiling after making wudu, so he smiled to follow him. Once he demonstrated to Muslims the correct way of making wudu according to the sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam).
He used to fear Allah very much. Tears used to roll down his face because of Allah's fear. Whenever the consequences to be faced in the grave were described before him, he used to weep so much that his beard could get wet with tears. Sometimes he wept and cried seeing a corpse or a grave because of fear of Allah. He used to say, "Grave is the first stage among all the stages of the Hereafter. If a person is successful there, he would be successful on the Day of Judgement too. If a person faces difficulty in the grave, other stages would also be difficult for him."
He used to do household work although he was one of the wealthiest persons in the whole of Arabia. He would not wake his slave to take any help from him when he got up to perform "Tahajjud" Salat.
Hadrat Uthman was very soft spoken. If any person talked to him in a harsh tone he always replied gently. Once he was delivering "Khutbah" of Jumu'a Salat, a person shouted during the Sermon: "O Uthman, repent for Allah’s sake and keep away from going wrong." He immediately turned his face towards the Qiblah and exclaimed, "0 Allah, I am the first to repent before Thee and to turn towards Thee."
He never took any allowance from the "Bait ul-Mal" for his services as a Khalifah. Hadrat ‘Umar got 5,000 darhams annually as an allowance from the Public Treasury, thus Hadrat Uthman contributed 60,000 Drahms after his 12 years service, towards the Public Fund.
Examples of his generosity have already been given. He was the most generous among all the wealthy Companions and never hesitated to spend his money for the cause of Islam and Muslims. His house was one of the biggest in Medina which he built near the mosque of the Holy Prophet. He established a library in the back of his house for the education of the Muslims.
Wives and Children
Hadrat Uthman was first married to the Holy Prophet's daughter, Hadrat Ruqayyah (Radi Allah Anhu) who died in Medina while the Holy Prophet was away on the expedition of Badr. Then he was married to the younger daughter of the Holy Prophet whose name was Hadrat Umm-i-Kulthum. She also died in the year 9 A.H. His first wife, Hadrat Ruqayyah bore him a son, Abdullah, who died at an early age. He had no child from Umm-i-Kulthum (Radi Allah Anhu).
After the death of his second wife Hadrat Umm-i-Kulthum, he married, the following ladies from time to time: Fakhtah bint Walid; Umm-i-'Amr bint Jundah; Fatimah bint Shaibah; Umm-i-Banin bint'Uwainah; Ramlah bint Shaibah; 'Aishah; Umm-i-Aban; and Nailah bint Farafsah, his last wife whose fingers were chopped by the insurgents.
Eleven sons were born to him from different wives. Some of them died at an early age. One of his sons, Aban became famous and held high positions during the Umayyads. He had six or seven daughters.


Hadrat Abu Bakr, as-Siddiq, (Radi Allah Anhu) was born in 573 A.D. at Mecca. Thus he was two years younger than the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). He belonged to a respectable and noble family, the Bani Tamim, a branch of Quraish Tribe. H is lineage joins with that of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) six generations before. His name was Abdullah. Abu Bakr was his patronymic name (or Kuniyah) which became so famous that most of the people did not know his real name. After his conversion to Islam he received the title of "As-Siddiq" (The Truthful). His father's name was 'Uthman who was known by his patronymic name, Abu Qahafah. His mother's name was Salma but she was also known by her patronymic name, Ummul Khair.
First man to accept Islam
Hadrat Abu Bakr was a firm friend of the Holy Prophet and knew him better than any other man. His honesty, nobility, truthfulness and trustworthiness, had great attraction for Abu Bakr. When the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) disclosed to him secretly about the revelation of Allah, Abu Bakr accepted it immediately without having the slightest doubt. In this way he was the first adult free man to believe in the Holy Prophet's Mission, and became his confidant. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) once spoke about this, "When I invited people towards Allah, everybody thought over it and hesitated, at least for a while, except Abu Bakr who accepted my call the moment I put it before him, and he did not hesitate even for a moment." When he accepted Islam, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) was very pleased.
Da'wat (Invitation) towards Allah
As soon as he had accepted Islam he started the work of Da'wat (Invitation towards Allah) first secretly and then openly when it was so allowed by the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). First he went to ‘Uthman, Talha, Zubair and Said (Ridwanullah 'alaihim 'Ajma'in). They accepted Islam on his preaching. Next day he went to 'Uthman bin Maz'un, Abu'Ubaidah, Abdur Rahman bin 'Auf and some other prominent Quraish. They also accepted Islam at his hands. In the first instance eight prominent figures accepted Islam at the hands of Hadrat Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (Radi Allah Anhu). Among them was Hadrat Uthman, the third Caliph of Islam. In this way he was the first Muslim, after the Holy Prophet, to preach Islam and to invite people towards Allah in a very fruitful way. The main reason for his success was his popularity among the Meccans because of his honesty, nobility, trustworthiness, good morals and fair dealings.
Even though he was so much respected yet he was not spared, and disbelievers of Mecca did their best to harass him.
When the number of Muslims reached 39, Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) asked the permission of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) to invite people openly. On his persistent request the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) gave his consent and all of them went to Haram (the Holy Mosque or Ka ‘bah) for Tabligh (Preaching). Hadrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) gave a Khutbah (Sermon) which was the first ever delivered in the annals of Islam. Hadrat Hamzah accepted Islam the same day. When disbelievers and idolators from amongst Quraish heard it they fell on the Muslims from all sides. Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) despite the fact that he was considered to be the noblest of all the people in Mecca, was besmeared with blood. He was kicked, thrashed with shoes, trampled under feet and handled most roughly and savagely. He became unconcious and half-dead. This is the place to observe his extreme love for the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) that when he gained consciousness and opened his eyes in the evening he first enquired. "How is the Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam)?" His deep love for the Holy Prophet, really, was the main cause of his success. His love and respect for the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam) was unbounded.
On another occasion the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam) was offering his Salat in the Ka'bah, Abu Jahl came and put a sheet of cloth around his neck and twisted it hard in order to strangle the Holy Prophet to death. Hadrat Abu Bakr saw this, he at once came and pushing Abu Jahl aside took off the piece of cloth around the neck of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). He then said, "Do you want to kill such a gentle person who is a Messenger of Allah and declares Allah as the Cherisher and Sustainer." Then Abu Jahl and other enemies of Islam fell upon Abu Bakr and beat him severely.
Abu Bakr gets the title of As-SIDDIQ
The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) had Mi'raj (Ascension) in the IOth year of his Mission. He narrated his Ascension to the people in the morning. Some of them came to Abu Bakr and said, "Have you listened to your friend (the Holy Prophet)? He is claiming that he visited Jerusalem and the Sublime Throne in the heavens last night and talked with Allah Almighty. Would you believe it?" Hadrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) immediately replied. "If he said so then it is an absolute Truth". They again said, "Do you believe that he visited all these places and came back within a small part of night?" He again replied. "Of course I believe in it and I believe in the things which are farther than it, i.e., the news of Hell and Paradise". For this the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) named him as-Siddiq i.e., the most Truthful and sincere person in Faith not having even slightest doubt. Of course Abu Bakr's faith was so strong that nothing could shake it.
Building of the Prophet's Mosque
There was an urgent need for building a mosque at Medina and a house for the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam) and his family. The land which was selected for this belonged to two orphans. Their guardians wanted to give the land for the mosque free of charge but the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam) did not accept their offer and asked Hadrat Abu Bakr to pay the price of the land. Thus Hadrat Abu Bakr became the first Muslim to spend most of his money for the cause of Allah at Medina. He participated in the construction of the mosque like an ordinary labourer with other Muslims.
Participation in the Holy Wars
He fought in almost all the battles along with the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). In the first battle of Islam at Badr he was with the Holy Prophet like a shadow. His own son, who had not embraced Islam by that time, was fighting on the side of Quraish. After he accepted Islam he said to Abu Bakr one day, "Dear father! I found you twice under my sword at Badr but I could not raise my hand because of my love for you". "if I had got a chance", Abu Bakr replied, "I would have killed you". It was Abu Bakr's suggestion on which the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) decided to release the prisoners of war after taking ransom.
In the battle of Uhud when some of the Muslims were running away, Abu Bakr was firm and when the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam) was brought on the mountain after being injured, he was with him.
Hadrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) was the first companion to accept the peace plan of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) without any hesitation at Hudaibiyah when all the Muslims insisted upon fighting. Even a Muslim like Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) hesitated to accept the treaty with the non-believers of Mecca but Hadrat Abu Bakr fully supported the Holy Prophet's decision.
Imam of Holy Prophet's Mosque
Since his arrival at Medina the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) himself led the Salats at his mosque all the time. This was really a high office and was not given to anybody in the presence of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). A few months after his return from the Farewell Pilgrimage (AI-Hujjatul-Wida’) in IO A.H., the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) fell ill. A time came when he was unable to move and could not go to the Mosque to lead the Salat. He had to appoint someone as the Imam and this honour fell to the lot of Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr's daughter, lady 'A'isha (Radiallahu Anha) was one of the most beloved wives of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam). She knew that Hadrat Abu Bakr was a soft hearted man and it would be rather hard for him to replace the Holy Prophet(Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) in the Salat. So she pleaded with the Holy Prophet (Sallailahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) to excuse Hadrat Abu Bakr from this duty but the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) did not change his decision even though he was requested three times.
During those days once Abu Bakr was not present at the time of congregational Salat. Somebody asked Hadrat Umar to lead the Salat. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) after hearing the voice of Hadrat Umar enquired about the Imam and when he found that Abu Bakr(Radi Allah Anhu) was not leading he was annoyed and said, "Nobody will lead the Salat besides Ibn Abu Qahafa (i.e. Hadrat Abu Bakr)". Then Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) was called but by that time Hadrat Umar had completed the Salat. The Salat was repeated by the order of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) and Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) led it.
During his sickness, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) once felt some relief and went for Zuhr Salat, supported by Hadrat ‘Ali and Hadrat ‘Abbas (Radi Allah Anhu). His face beamed with joy and full satisfaction on seeing Abu Bakr leading the Salat. Sensing the presence of the Holy Prophet, (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) Abu Bakr wanted to step back but the Holy Prophet stopped him and sat down by his side. After the Salat the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) gave his last address: "Allah offered one of His servants the choice of the life on this earth and a life with Him. But the servant accepted the latter". Hearing this tears came out of Abu Bakr's eyes and rolled down to his beard. He thought of the inevitable separation from his Beloved Master (the Holy Prophet). Most of the people did not understand the meaning of Holy Prophet's address and they were surprised at Abu Bakr's crying.
Early in the morning of the last day of his life, the Holy Prophet's condition became suddenly better for a while. As the apartment was just adjoining the Mosque, he raised the curtain and observed the Muslims busy in Salat under the Imamat (leadership) of Hadrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu). A smile lit up the pale face of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). Seeing the sign of the Holy Prophet's recovery the people in the Mosque lost control over themselves in sheer delight. They might have fallen out of the file but the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) asked Hadrat Abu Bakr to lead the Salat and he went inside and let the curtain fall.
On the occasion of Tabuk expedition Hadrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) brought everything that he possessed. When the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) asked him, "What did you leave for your family?" Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) said, "I have left for them Allah and his Prophet". Even Hadrat Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) admitted that he could never hope to surpass Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) in his sacrifice for the cause of Allah and Islam.
Abu Bakr chosen as the First Khalifah
The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) did not nominate his successor and left the choice of his deputy or viceroy (Khalifah) to his Ummah (followers). There were two groups of Muslims in Medina viz., Muhajirin (the Immigrants from Mecca), and Ansar (Helpers i.e., Medinites). After the death of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam), Ansar (Medinites) gathered in a big Hall of Medinah known as "Saqifah-i-Bani Sa'idah" to discuss the appointment of a Khalifah. Hadrat Abu Bakr and Hadrat Umar with other prominent Muhajirin (Immigrants) were in the Mosque. When they were informed about the gathering of Ansar, Hadrat Abu Bakr and Umar also went there accompanied by a number of eminent Muhajirin like Hadrat Abu 'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah. Since Hadrat 'Ali and Hadrat Zubair (two prominent figures among Muhajirin) were not present at the spot, they could not go to the gathering.
Much discussion was going on in the gathering of the Ansar about the selection of a Khalifah. Some of the leading Ansar wanted a Khalifah from amongst the Ansar. When Hadrat Abu Bakr heard it, he said. "We acknowledge the sacrifices of Ansar for Islam. You really deserve to have a Khalifah from amongst yourselves, but Arabs will not agree on any "Amir" (Chief of other than a person from the Quraish." Hearing Hadrat Abu Bakr another Ansari, Khabab bin Mundhar stood up and said, "Let there be two Amirs (Khalifahs) then, one from amongst Quraish and another from amongst Ansar." On this Hadrat Umar stood up and said, "This is not at all possible. There would be great confusion because of two Amirs." Hadrat Khabbab bin Mundhar did not agree with Umar and there was a hot talk between them. Hadrat Abu 'Ubaidah tried to cool them down. Then another Ansari Hadrat Bashir bin an-Nu'man (Radi Allah Anhu) stood up and said, "The Holy Prophet belonged to the Quraish tribe. Quraishites have preference over others. All the Arabs would agree on them. Therefore a Khalifah must be from amongst them. We do not want any dispute with Muhajirin in the matter of Khilafat. We the Medinites are Ansar (Helpers) and we would prefer to remain Helpers of Allah and His Holy Prophet (Sallaliahu'alaihi wa Sallam)." Another Ansari Hadrat Zaid bin Thabit (Radi Allah Anhu) also supported this view and said, "There should be a Khalifah from amongst Muhajirin (Quraishis). We Medinites were Ansar (Helpers) of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) and would remain Ansar (Helpers) of his Khalifah as well." A number of Ansar then supported this view, and there was general satisfaction in the council over the selection of a Muhajir (Quraishi) Khalifah. Seeing this Hadrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) stood up and said, "I propose the name of Umar and Abu'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah for this post. Select anyone of these two men as your Khalifah." But both of them refused and Hadrat Umar said, "Abu Bakr is the best of all of us because Allah has mentioned him in the Holy Qur'an saying: "The one amongst two in the cave" (9:40). He further said, Abu Bakr excelled at every occasion during the life of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). He deputised the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) in leading Salats, he was appointed the Chief of Haj caravan. As such he is the fittest person to be the Khalifah." Hadrat Abu Bakr still hesitated but Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) and Hadrat Zaid bin Thabit Ansari held his hand and took pledge of loyalty (Bai'at). Then Hadrat Abu 'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah and Hadrat Bashir bin an-Nu'man Ansari also took pledge of loyalty at his hands. Seeing this people from all the sides rushed to pledge loyalty to Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) as the first successor of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam).
Next day a general pledge of loyalty (Bai'at) was taken by the Muslims in the Mosque of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). Thus Hadrat Abu Bakr assumed the greatest office, after the office of prophethood, and became the first Khalifah of Islam. He gave his first address as a Khalifah in the mosque after the general "Bai'at""0 people! I have been selected as your Trustee although I am no better than anyone of you. If I am right, obey me. If I am misguided, set me right. Of course truth is honesty and a lie is dishonesty. The weakest among you is powerful in my eyes until I do not get him his due, Insha-Allah (If it should please Allah). The most powerful among you is the weakest in my eyes until I do not make him pay due rights to others Insha Allah. Allah sends down disgrace on those people who give up Jihad in the path of Allah. Allah surely sends down calamities on such people who indulge in evils.
"I ask you to obey me as long as I obey Allah and His Messenger (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). If I disobey Allah and His Messenger you are free to disobey me. Now come and offer Salat."
In his short address, Hadrat Abu Bakr showed the role of an exemplary Khalifah of Islamic Government. No doubt Islamic Government means: "Government of Allah and His Prophet, by His obedient servants for the benefit of the people in this world and in the Hereafter."
About thirty three thousand people took pledge of loyalty (Bai'at) at the hand of Hadrat Abu Bakr in the mosque. The selection (or Election) of Hadrat Abu Bakr is a pointer towards Islamic Democracy and furnishes example for selection of a Leader for Ummat-i-Muslimah (Muslim Community) till the Day of Judgement.
Hadrat ‘Ali took pledge of loyalty a few months later because he was busy in collecting various parts of the Holy Qur'an. Some other reasons have also been given for his delay in "Bai'at'' which are ignored here.
As-Siddiq al-Akbar passes away
After a fortnight's illness, As-Siddiq al-Akbar passed away at the age of 61 on Tuesday, the 22nd Jamadal-Akhira, 13 A.H. (23rd August 634 A.D.). Before his death he said to his daughter Lady ‘A’isha (Radiallahu 'Anha), "Do not use new cloth for my shroud. Wash the sheet in my use and wrap my corpse in it". His wish was acted upon. His next wish was to pay all the money he got as salary for Caliph from "Baitul Mal" (The Public Treasury) after selling his garden. He said, I did not like to take anything from the "Baitul Mal but Umar pressed me to accept some allowance so that I would be relieved of my occupation and devote my full time to the duties of the Khilafat (Caliphate). I was left no choice but to accept the offer". After his death 'A'isha asked Hadrat Umar to take over that garden as desired by her father. Umar remarked: "May Allah bless him. He left no chance for any body to open his lips against him".
Hadrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) was a rich merchant before his Khilafat. After he was selected as Caliph, Hadrat Umar and some other Companions put pressure on him to leave his business and accept some allowance from the Baitul Mal. He took the least possible amount which was hardly sufficient for him and his family. Once his wife wanted to prepare some sweet dish, and somehow saved something after one month. When she brought to him the money to make purchases for the sweet dish, Hadrat Abu Bakr said, "It seems that we have been over-paid, beyond our needs". He then deposited the saving in the Baitul Mal and she was not able to prepare the sweet dish. Not only this he got his allowance cut down for future by the amount saved by his wife.
As-Siddiq al-Akbar left behind a noble example of selfless service. He lived and worked for the sake of Islam to his last breath, but sought no reward.
Wives and Children
WivesHis first wife was Qatilah bint 'Abdul 'Aziz who bore to him 'Abdullah and Asma (Radi Allah Anhu). His second wife, Umm-i-Ruman gave birth to Lady ‘A’ isha (Radi Allah Anhu), the most beloved wife of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam), and 'Abdur Rahman (Radi Allah Ahnu). Besides these two he also married Asma' and Habibah (Radi Allah Anhu).
ChildrenDaughters(i) Ummul-Mu'minin Hadrat 'A'isha (Radi Allah Anhu)(ii) Asma, and(iii) Umm-i-Kulthum, born to Habibah after his death.
Sons(i) Abdullah,(ii) Abdur Rahman and(iii) Muhammad.
Abu Bakr , a Saviour of Islam
As-Siddiq al-Akbar took the office of Caliphate (Khilafat) at the most crucial and critical moment of Islamic history. He gave Islam a new life after the death of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). Islam, in its infant stage, when he was entrusted with the responsibility to Caliphate, was threatened by rebellions, rise of false prophets and apostasy movements. He crushed all the futile powers because of his unshakeable faith. No amount of difficulties could make him deviate from the Sunnah (Path) of the Holy Master. He brought unity among the Muslims and crushed all the rebellions. In view of his great service for the cause of Islam at that critical moment when there was a lot of confusion, Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) may rightly be called the Saviour of Islam.
It was in the time of Abu Bakr that Islam started to cross the Arabian borders. A major part of Iraq came under his rule and Muslim armies had captured many important cities of Syria. Thus Islam, the religion of whole mankind, started to be a world religion in his period.
Character and Piety
Hadrat Abu Bakr As Siddiq al-Akbar (Radi Allah Anhu) was the most distinguished figure of Islam after the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). He was mild and gentle but stern when necessary. He was the true embodiment of Islam. Being diligent, wise, full of wisdom and a great statesman, he occupies a unique place in the history of Islam. His name would remain for ever in the minds of Muslims.Hadrat Abu Bakr was the most pious Companion of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). He never took unlawful meal. Once one of his slaves brought for him some food to eat. He took a morsel out of it but afterwards he learnt that the slave got it as a result of soothsaying. He then remarked, "Ah! you would have surely killed me". He tried to disgorge it and when he did not succeed he drank water and then vomited the whole thing out. He never spoke any obscene language in any situation. Once he said a harsh word to Hadrat Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) which he realised later and asked him to forgive him. Hadrat Umar delayed in excusing him. He was so much perturbed that he went to the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam) who asked Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) to excuse him.
Hadrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) used to fear Allah most of all. Once he went to a garden where he saw a bird. He sighed deeply and said, "0 bird! you are lucky indeed! you eat and drink as you like and fly but do not have fear of reckoning on the Day of Judgement. I wish that I were just like you". Sometimes he said, "I wish I were a blade of grass whose life ended with the grazing of some beast; or a tree that would be cut and done away with".
He was a great worshipper. It is said that Hadrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) used to perform Salat similar to that of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). He was the one who spent all of his belongings for the sake of Allah and His Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam).
The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) gave him the glad tidings of Paradise in these words: "Abu Bakr's name shall be called out from all the gates of Paradise and he will be the first person of my Ummah (people) to enter it".



The Holy Prophet was a direct descendant of Hazrat Ismail, the eldest son of Hazrat Ibrahim. Hazrat Ismail had twelve sons. One of them had settled permanently in Hejaz-Arabia. One of his descendants, Fihr, Known by the title of Quraish, was a famous personality of his time. His descendants, Qussai, had the custody of the key of Ka’abah. He was responsible for entertaining pilgrims.

Qussai’s grandson, Hashim, from whom the Holy Prophet’s traces his descent, was the richest and the most important of Qussai’s descendants. Hashim and his brothers organized and dispatched trade caravans, and established trade links with foreign countries.
With the passage of time the Prophet’s grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, became very prominent among the Quraish. Three incidents of his life are very important. The restoration of the fountain of Zamzam; the dialogue with Abrahah, the Christian Viceroy of Yemen who had come with a large army to destroy the Ka’abah in 570 A.D.; and the bringing up of his orphan grandson Muhammad, the last Prophet of Allah.

His son, Abdullah, who was the father of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was married to Aminah, daughter of Wahab, who belonged to a noble and illustrious family. On his return journey from a business tour to Syria, he stopped at Yasrib, where here ill and died. By way of inheritance he left a few camels, goats and a slave girl named Umme-e-Aiman.

After the death of Abdullah, Hazrat Muhammad was born to Aminah at Makkah on 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal 571 A.D. Abdul Muttalib named him Muhammad. The name being uncommon and unknown among the Quraish, somebody questioned Abdul Muttalib about it. In reply he said:
“I have named him Muhammad so that his name may be praised on the earth and in the


Conditions of Arabia at the time of the birth of the Holy Prophet At the time of the Prophet’s birth, the world had completely forgotten the message of the Creator and was lost in the wilderness of polytheism. Arabia was steeped in the worst form of idolatry. The Ka’abah was full of idols and every household had it’s own idol. Stones and trees were also worshipped. There was no belief in life after death and so feeling of responsibility of one’s actions. There was no moral code. Drinking, gambling and other vices were common. Widows and orphans were quite helpless and slaves were treated most cruelly. Women were looked upon as property without having any right to inheritance. They were treated as articles of trade. They could be bought or sold at will. A man could marry and keep as many women as he could afford. When a man died, his son inherited his wives. Stepmothers could be made legal wives.
There was no settled government and no law in the land. The affairs of each tribe were governed by it’s own chief. There were rivalries among them and people would fight for generations on the slightest excuse.
Side by side, Arabs had the qualities of heroism, love for liberty, hospitality and eloquence.
This period is known as the "Age of Ignorance" in Arab history.

Birth and Upbringing It was among these people that Prophet Muhammad was born. In those days there was a custom among the Arabs to give their suckling infants in charge of Bedouin women, who would take them into the desert, and return them to the parents after a few years. The Holy Prophet was given in charge of Halima Saadia. She loved Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) very much and the Prophet always had the highest regard for her. He used to call her my mother.
At the age six, Halima Saadia brought him back to his mother who took him to Yasrib to visit the grave of is father Abdullah and also to meet her relatives. During her return journey from Yasrib, Aminah died and was buried at Abwa. Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) was brought back to Makkah by Umme-e-Aiman.
Abdul Muttalib then took over the charge of his grandson. He showered on him all his love and affection. Unfortunately, this also could not last for a long time as Abdul Muttalib died when the Holy Prophet was only eight years old. Then Abu Talib, an uncle of the Holy Prophet, took over the responsibility of bringing him up as his son.
When he was nine years old, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) began to show signs of an intelligent and inquisitive mind. He loved solitude and would not indulge in playful activities with children of his age.
At the age of twelve he accompanied Abu Talib on a mercantile journey to Syria. After his return from Syria, he used to spend long hours in solitary meditations and speak less to the people. His honesty, truthfulness and righteousness impressed the people to such an extent that they gave him the title of Al-Sadiq, the “Truthful” and Al-Amin, the ‘Trustworthy.”

Harb-ul-Fijar Between the years 580 and 590 A.D., the sacrilegious war or Harb-ul-Fijar broke out between the Quraish and Banu Hawazin tribe that lasted for nearly ten years. The Holy Prophet, though only a young boy at that time, also accompanied his uncles. Theses wars were called sacrilegious because they were fought during the sacred month when fighting was forbidden.

Truce of Al-Fazul Shortly after thee war, when the notables of Makkah saw the effects of these disastrous wares, they formed a league called Halful-Fuzul with the object of maintaining peace in the region. Also for suppressing any violence and injustice and for upholding the rights of the week, the poor and the destitute.

Marriage to Khadija At that time lived in Makkah, a wealthy and respectable widow, Khadija, daughter of Khuwalid, who was the great grandson of Qussai. She was very impressed by the honesty and goodness of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). She was forty years old and twice widowed. She had two sons and a daughter from her previous husbands. On account of her exceptional character, she was known as Tahira, the pious one.
She requested Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) to take her merchandise to Syria against a share in the profits. She also sent her slave Maisara with him. He accordingly undertook the second journey to Syria and returned with good profits. Maisara also spoke of his fair dealings to Hazrat Khadija. She was so pleased that she herself made an offer of marriage to him.
Abu Talib accepted the proposal on behalf of the Holy Prophet and shortly, thereafter, he married Hazrat Khadija. At that time he was twenty-five and she was forty. The union proved successful. They had two sons and four daughters. Both the sons died in infancy. Of the daughters, only the youngest, Hazrat Fatima survived the Holy Prophet.
Hazrat Khadija was the Prophet’s only wife till her death at the age of sixty-five in the 10th year of Prophet hood. The Holy Prophet always retained his love for her. She was buried in Makkah.

Fixing of Black Stone (Hajr-al-Aswad)
The Ka’abah is situated at the lowest part in the valley of Faran and was always flooded by rainwater. The people of Makkah tried various methods to stop this flooding. But all their efforts failed and the building was damaged by floods. They therefore, decided to rebuild it. The task of rebuilding the Ka’abah was divided among the leading families of Makkah and the work was completed in harmony, without any dispute. But when the time came to pace the Black Stone or Hajr-al-Aswad in it’s proper place, a dispute arose among the chiefs of Makkah. Everyone wanted the honor of placing the Holy Stone in its proper place. There was fear of bloodshed. But then a proposal came from a wise, old man who said that the first person to enter the Ka’abah the following morning, should decide the issue. All accepted his suggestion.
Next morning, the first person to enter the Ka’abah was Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), who at that time was thirty-five years old. The people of Makkah agreed to accept his decision.
He asked the leaders of the different families of Quraish to hold the four corners or sheet of cloth that he spread on the ground. Then he placed the Black Stone in the middle of the sheet and asked them to lift it up together. When the sheet reached the proper height, he lifted the Black Stone and laid it in its place with his own hands. Thus, an explosive situation was resolved peacefully by the wisdom and foresight of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh).

Prophet hood As he grew older, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) felt disturbed at the corrupt society around him. He could not believe the polytheistic ideas of the pagans of Makkah, and often thought of God of his forefathers Ibrahim and Ismail.
A few years before the conferment of prophet hood, he became more and more fond of solitude. He started retiring for days with a supply of dates, oatmeal and water into a nearby cave in a mountain, known as Hira. There he pondered and meditated over the condition of his people. These spells of loneliness and meditation became more frequently as he approached the age of forty.
One day, as usual, he was at the mount of Hira, when the Angel, Jibrael appeared before him and asked him to read. This was so sudden and unexpected that startled by the strange voice, he said, “I cannot read.”
The angel repeated his request and gave the same answer. The third time the angel said:
“Read in the name of thy Lord and Cheshire; who created – Created man, out of a clot of congealed blood: Read! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful, He, who taught (the use) of pen – Taught man that which he knew not.”
This was the first revelation and the beginning of Prophet hood for Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). He was then forty years old, After that experience mission he came home a bit shaken at his selection for this great and noble mission. He narrated the whole incident to Hazrat Khadija. She comforted him and assured him that no harm could come to a man of his nature and that Allah would protect him from all evils. Then she took him to her cousin Warqa Bin Naufil, was a scholarly person and had embraced Christianity.
After hearing what had happened to her husband at the mount of Hira, he said that it was the Angel Jibrael who had always brought revelations to previous messengers of God. He also informed that his enemies would force the new prophet out of the city.